Have you ever received a call from a customer asking why you left out other items from a single order? Did you have to explain why their purchase was delivered partially? If yes, then you probably have heard about the concept of split shipment. Although you may have good reasons for splitting a shipment, customers might not be satisfied with this. It may also cost you extra fees if you’re dealing with a 3PL provider.

In this article, we will discuss the ship splitting definition and how it can be used. We will also look at the downsides of split shipments and how to avoid them, including avoiding spending too much during a partial shipment.

What is Split Shipment?

Split shipment or part shipment is the act of shipping a multiple-item order separately to the same customer at the same address. This means that several packages may be sent to a customer’s address followed by another package to the same address often on another day.

Here’s Why a Splitted or Split Shipment Takes Place

While it is not something to be done regularly, there are legitimate reasons why a split shipment may take place.

The customer requires the product to be shipped to multiple locations.

Some customers may want to collect items from the same order sent to different addresses. When this happens, it would be necessary to split the shipment and send them separately meaning in different packages. In this case, it is not your fault if a customer gets upset.

The items are in different locations

When you have a large order with items located in different warehouses, it might not be possible to get all the items at once. In this case, you may have to split order the shipment and ship them separately. This is preferred to telling the customer that the product is out of stock.

The products won’t all go into a single box

Sometimes, products might be too large to fit in a single box. In this case, you may have to split ship and send them separately. For example, if a customer orders interior decor products, the items may have to be split in two or more boxes because of their sizes.

The Downside of Split Shipments

The downside of split shipment is that it can anger customers who expected all the items to arrive together. Customers may also incur extra fees for multiple shipments if they are dealing with a third-party provider.

Extra packaging waste

When you split a shipment, you also have to generate additional packaging materials. This can be quite costly and lead to unnecessary waste if the items are small. You should make it a point of duty never to use too big boxes for small items. If possible, always use eco-friendly packaging materials.

Extra Shipping Costs

Your customer may end up paying more for additional shipping. This is because multiple packages will require more resources to ship them. You may also have to bear extra costs if you are using a third-party provider. This may affect customer loyalty and tarnish your brand image.

Far From Ideal Customer Experience

Lastly, a partially shipped order can lead to a not-so-ideal customer experience. When customers receive items from the same order separately, they may be left asking why you could not simply put them together and then ship complete in one go. This might make your brand appear unprofessional and unreliable to customers.

How to Avoid Split or Slitted Shipments

The best way to avoid items being shipped partially is by getting all the items from a single warehouse. This will help you save on packaging and shipping costs while ensuring customer satisfaction. If this is not possible, you can also consolidate multiple packages into one shipment and send it out together.

Inventory management

If you can keep all the items of an order in one location, it will be easier for you to have a single shipment. This can be done through proper inventory management. You should also make sure that your suppliers are well-stocked with the items you need at all times.

Comprehend Buyer Habits

It’s also important to comprehend buyer habits. This can help you anticipate customers’ needs and provide them with a seamless ordering experience. When you understand their buying patterns, it will be easier for you to get the items they need in one location and send them out in a single shipment. You should also keep track of customer feedback so that you can ensure that the partial shipment process is optimised.

In addition, you should also ensure that you take up all extra costs associated with the shipping splits. Customers should not bear any additional cost because of a split shipment. It is better to absorb the costs yourself than risk losing customers or having your brand image tarnished.

You can also reallocate inventory when it’s required and at no extra cost. This will help you save on time and cost while still providing your customers with an excellent experience.

By following these tips, you can make sure that your customers get their orders in one shipping package and on time. This will ensure customer satisfaction and boost your brand image. You should also keep track of customer feedback to ensure that the split shipment process is optimized for maximum convenience.

How to keep costs low when you can’t help but adopt a split shipment

When you have no choice but to use a split shipment, there are still ways of keeping the costs as low as possible. You should negotiate with your suppliers for better shipping rates and discounts. This can help you save money on packaging and shipping costs.

You should also make sure that your packages are packed properly and securely so that they don’t get damaged during partial shipping. This will help you avoid any losses or additional costs due to split shipments.

Finally, you should also make it a point of duty never to use too big boxes for small items. This can lead to unnecessary waste and higher shipping costs. Instead, always try to use the most suitable packaging materials for your shipment.


Split shipping is a necessary evil in some cases, but it can be avoided if proper measures are put in place. Proper inventory management and careful planning can help you ensure customer satisfaction by avoiding split shipments. You should also negotiate with suppliers for better shipping rates and discounts. Lastly, always try to use the most suitable packaging materials for your shipment to avoid additional costs.

By following these tips, you can make sure that split shipments are kept to a minimum, saving you time and money while preserving your brand image.

QRC Logistics Can Help You Reduce Split Shipments

With over 40 years of experience in the logistics industry, our team at QRC Logistics is well-equipped to help you find the best solutions for your shipping needs. We can provide you with cost-effective options that are designed to reduce split shipments and improve customer satisfaction. Our aim is to ensure that all orders arrive on time and intact – so contact us today at [phone] and let us help you keep your split shipments to a minimum.


What is split shipment?

Split shipment is a process in which a single order is divided into multiple shipments, either because the items are not all available at the same location or due to geographical constraints.

Why should I avoid split shipments?

Split shipments can be inconvenient and costly for customers and create extra work for you. They can also damage your brand image if customers are not satisfied with the delivery process.

How can I reduce split shipments?

You can reduce split shipments by optimising inventory management and careful planning. You should also negotiate with suppliers for better shipping rates and discounts, and always use the most suitable packaging materials for your shipment.

Is it cheaper to ship items together or separately?

In most cases, it is more cost-effective to combine items into one shipment if possible. This will avoid the extra cost of multiple labels, packaging, and shipping fees associated with split shipments.

Can QRC Logistics help me reduce my split shipments?

Yes! Our team at QRC Logistics is well-equipped to help you find the best solutions for your shipping needs. We can provide you with cost-effective options that are designed to reduce split shipments and improve customer satisfaction.